
Basic page
Basic page is a content type in Drupal that you will use to put in basic content that will be displayed as a page on your website, and sometimes used as a page in the main menu. You can have a title, body, and choose various settings and designs when setting up a basic page.


How to properly upload files and images to your website.

Blocks and Context
Blocks are pieces of content that can be reused multiple times throughout a website. They are displayed using Context. To learn about blocks for the first time, please follow the tutorial for editing blocks. For a more advanced lesson on blocks, please follow the exercise on creating a block and displaying it on a page using context.

Create a Basic Page

Webforms is a useful tool for registration, contact, feedback, and various other communications between website and user. Please follow the below tutorials to learn all about how to create and edit your website forms.

Create a Basic Page, Blocks and Context

Learn how to use the Gutenberg editor to design content into layouts through dragging and dropping.